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What Is A Divorce Mediator?

Certevia Team Jun 13, 2019 Mediator, Parenting Plans, Parenting and Divorce, Parenting Class For Divorce Hits: 13862

Putting down the gloves

Divorce mediators assist and guide divorcing or never married parents toward their own resolution. Mediators do not decide the outcome, but will help the parties understand and focus on the important issues needed to reach a resolution.

Why would you need a Divorce Mediator?

  1. A mediator must be involved when co-parents are unable to come to an agreement.
  2. Co-parents bring their issues to the mediator to come to a mutual understanding and resolution to their problem.
  3. A mediator will help co-parents focus on the most important topic; their children.
  4. Mediation will keep co-parents communicating effectively to reach a more positive outcome.

A mediator can help develop parenting plans for co-parents. This may help them to understand what will occur during their time with the children. When there is a conflict a more positive outcome may occur by using a mediator. Although it is best if parents can resolve their problems without tying up the court systems.

How much does a divorce mediator cost?

The costs for a mediator varies.

  1. Hourly rate for private mediators range from 100 to as much as 1000 dollars.
  2. The number of sessions required.
  3. Any setup fees.
  4. Community based mediation which may get funding from the justice system. In many cases you will be referred by you local court.
  5. You may have additional fees for creating documents to successfully resolve your issues.

What is the difference between a divorce mediator and a divorce attorney?

  1. A divorce mediator works with both parties to help resolve their issues. A divorce attorney represents only one party in the divorce.
  2. A mediator may or may not be an attorney but the primary goal of the mediator is to resolve conflicts without going to court.

Taking our 4 hour Parenting Class for Divorce may help you avoid needing to use mediation in the first place. We offer live and online classes here:

In conclusion, you won’t need a mediator unless the court requires you to have one. Your local court may refer you to community based mediation. If you and your co-parent cannot come to an agreement, mediation is an excellent choice instead of tying things up in court. Please note we are not attorneys and this is not legal advice. Please consult an attorney if you need legal advice.