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Mar 12, 2019 Coping Skills, Parenting Class For Divorce Hits: 3304
Jack goes to school…
It is morning and Jack is getting ready for school. He gets all his things together and puts them in his backpack. He goes downstairs and starts his breakfast routine, looking into the cabinet for his favorite bowl. Suddenly he realizes that he is not where he thought he was because his favorite bowl is different. This gives him an unsettling feeling in his stomach and he has to think for a moment.
Sometimes, we as parents forget the small details that children seem to have no issues in remembering. Our lives become caught up in the day to day, just survival and all that entails.
Our children live in the little details as a way of coping.
Now Jack is home from school and all is forgotten, his favorite bowl is back in the cabinet and all is good with the world.
Jill goes to the dentist...
Jill needs to get ready for her annual dental checkup. This is a routine she has gotten used to over the years, and yet this year is the first time that she has to go with her Dad. It has always been her Mom who took her before and now it will be Dad taking her. At first she didn’t think anything was different until she sat in that chair and realized that her favorite Barbie who accompanied her on her other visits was at her Mom’s house. She doesn’t think Dad will understand if she asks him to retrieve her doll. Dad has no problem retrieving her doll for her, and all is right with the world again.
Remember parents that the little details are very important to the children in our lives.
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