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Apr 15, 2019 Focus, Reaction, Solutions, Co-Parenting, Parenting Class For Divorce, Co-Parenting Tips Hits: 3687
When relationships end there is a tendency to focus on the negative qualities of your co parent to help cope with the loss. Feeling angry seems more natural than sadness. The problem with coping by using anger puts you at risk of thinking and saying things which increase conflict or it may lead to avoiding your co parent.
“Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.” (Lao Tzu)
Pay attention to your physical reactions to your co-parent as a helpful tool in managing your focus on problem solving. To do this, think about where sadness, anger, frustration and other unpleasant emotions start in your body. Is it your stomach, heart, head, or neck? Muscle tension in your hands, neck or chest, facial flushing and sweaty palms- all could be early indications you are getting upset and need to refocus.
Any time you notice such a physical reaction, try this:
When you are talking, texting, or emailing your co-parent Focus on the outcome or desired result.
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